
The name says it all - your umbrella will be at

myCheck48.de within

Checked 48 hours after your appointment with us!

That's how it works:

Book an appointment

Send / bring your equipment on time at the agreed time!

book an appointment
Register yourself and your equipment

After booking the appointment, simply register yourself and your paraglider / rescue / harness in the check program, if you haven't already done so.

(We'll do this for you until further notice!)

Your umbrella is checked!

We aim to process the information within 48 hours of the booked date, but may take longer in exceptional cases such as repairs, missing data or necessary material procurement. Please enclose the completed work order.

Work order
Shipping to you

As soon as your equipment has been processed, you will receive an email with a link under which you can view the check result and download your check protocol. Your equipment is on its way to you!

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